Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Wooo great news!

I have my support letter all typed up, I have some addresses on envelopes, and I have people who love and support me.

I also have like a bizzillion tickets! I'm going to give someone a TV!
Its a siiick t.v. i went to best buy and picked it out myself!
its 50" of glorious TV!

oh! and there is a possibility FBC Tillsonburg may have a scholarship of $500 dollars for me!

its 67 days till i leave.. which means i need to raise roughly 150 dollars a day till i leave.
woo sounds daunting.. but fortunately for me.. Gods bigger than $10,000.. bigger than $150 a day.. so yea..

I'm all smiles.

(2.00 in the tired jar.. not too shabby!)
(found 6 pop cans on my run around camp today!!)

on a more serious note..

thank you, to each and everyone of you for you love, prayers, and support.
it really does mean the world to me.. to know i have friends and family that love and care for me.
i love you all.


Sunday, October 25, 2009

tired. ---> rant

it seems every time someone asks 'how are you?'
i have the same boring old response. im tired.
im on a never ending battle with tiredness it seems.
-i live in a house full of girls working a different schedule than i do,
i'm almost always kept up late with the giggling, stair climbing, door slamming and movie watching of other people.
its not a big deal on days when i can sleep in till 10.. but on the day i work breakfast.. and need to be awake before the sun.. the 5 hours of sleep i get just isnt cutting it. im tired.

-im a woman. i have always and will always have low iron. i reached an all time low last month of 7. a normal woman is supposed to have something like 80. (thats a big difference) so i started taking trusty 'ol iron pills and am keeping the fibre near by! im tired.

-my immune system sucks. i seem to have this lingering cold, stuffy nose, headache and sore throat.. i feel like i have had it for like a month.. just cant seem to get rid of it.. im sure this makes me feel tired as well. im tired.

- i work in a kitchen. this week it seems i have had like no self control over the food i was stuffing in my mouth.. when i know i should go for the carrots. . i went for the chips! im tired.

-on friday i worked breakfast and lunch at the woods.. got into a van, drove to toronto, volunteered at the 30th aniv. fundraising dinner for the woods, drove back.. went to bed at 3 am and got up 3.5 hours later to work breakfast, lunch, dinner, and then breakfast, lunch today. im tired.

so enough with the rant already.
im done being tired. done dwelling on something i have very little control over.
i will control what i can to make myself less tired, and accept that which i cannot change.
im going to try my very best to not answer the question 'how are you?' with 'im tired'
every time i do. im going to put $1.00 into a jar. kinda like a swear jar.
except the tired jar!
time to be positive :)
be happy about the amazing life i have the privilege to live..
and serve wholeheartedly as if i were serving the Lord, not men

christie out!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

guessssss what! ... no really.. guess!

"Dear Christie,
On behalf of the JAN 2010 DTS staff, I'd like to welcome you to theschool!! We've prayed over your app and would love for you to come andspend 6 exciting months with us here in Mazatlan!! We know this will be alife changing time for you. It's a time where you can get away with Godand focus in on Him. You'll make incredible friendships that will last alifetime and you'll get the adventure of experiencing another culture."

So, I have been accepted!
Im so stoked, nervous, and excited!

Thank you all for your support and prayers!
Keep checking back for more updates!

much love

..keep it real..